Tasker, Automate
1. What it does
Tasker and Automate are automation tools for Android.
After setup, you can react to events that happen in Sleep as Android (such as alarm was dismissed), and you can call actions (such as start sleep tracking).
3. Guide
This page offers a guide for Tasker.Automate has a little different interface but the concepts are the same.
3.1. Events
To react to an event in Sleep as Android, do the following:
Start Tasker
Go to Profile tab and tap (+) button
Give a name to your profile
Tap Event > Plugin > Sleep > Configuration (pencil) > [your chosen event]
Go back
Select the task that should be run when the event happens
You can use any of these events from Sleep as Android and link them to any actions on your phone:
the user has snoozed a ringing alarm
the bedtime has just occured
the user has dismissed a ringing alarm AND solved the CAPTCHA if present. This event will also be fired when alarm has been dismissed while snoozed
alarm has been dismissed while snoozed
the REM phase has been detected. More on REM phase detection here.
Sleep as Android has detected one of the supported sounds: snoring, talk, coughing, laughter, baby crying. The maximum frequency of the event is once per 30s. Audio recognition has to be active for this event to work.
Sleep as Android has detected snoring and executed an anti-snoring action (vibration or tongue click or both). Anti-snoring has to be active for this event to work.
fires 45 minutes before smart period starts (to gather data for the smart period)
3.2. Actions
To triger an action in Sleep as Android, do the following:
Start Tasker
Go to Tasks tab and tap (+) button
Give a name to your task
Tap (+) button > Plugin > Sleep > Configuration (pencil) > [your chosen task]
Go back
You can use any events on your phone and trigger Sleep as Android’s actions with them.Sleep provides these actions:
to create a new alarm for your Daily sleep duration goal sleep time (with alarm default settings) and start sleep tracking immediately
You can also add new alarm with System > Set Alarm action. |