Statistics show the most important dimensions (Duration, Deep sleep, Snoring) of your Sleep score aggregated by days or optionally by Tags.
Settings → Personalize → Stats (settings)
Left ☰ menu → Stats
Sleep Score card on Dashboard
Each row in the Stats screen shows day-aggregated Duration, Deep sleep and Snoring.
The aggregate is calculated from all tracked sleeps - let’s call them Graphs in the further text - which belong to the same day.
A special row shows your country and aggregated Duration, Deep sleep and Snoring for your fellow citizens.
The list of days is based on the period selection in top right (Week, 14 days, Month…) but is limited to last 30 days.
Optionally aggregates by Tags can be expanded by tapping on the button in the top right corner. This will tell you how does your Duration, Deep sleep and Snoring differ, when a certain tag is used to your Sleep score for all nights. The aggregates are calculated for the selected period which can be changed in top right.
1. Daily sleep duration goal
What is your ideal sleep duration target for a typical day. This is used calculate your Sleep deficit = Daily sleep duration goal - Average sleep duration for selected period. Read mode on daily sleep duration goal.
Your ideal duration is 8 hours. Your average sleep for the last week is 7 and half hours. So your weekly sleep deficit is 30 minutes.[] |
2. Sleep day cutoff
Sleeps finished after this hour will be considered part of the next day. By default Graphs belong to the same day if their end time belongs to the same day. But this can be modified in case of specific sleeping schedules.
3. Irregularity:
By default Sleep irregularity – one of the important dimensions in your Sleep score – uses UTC times to calculate how regular your sleep is. This means travelling to a different time zone or day light saving events will affect your regularity. We believe this is correct as in such events your body will really suffer with less quality sleep. On the other hand if you prefer to keep local times, this is your option.
4. Prioritize
Rearrange your sleep score pie charts, will apply to pie charts on Sleep score and graphs too.
5. Year of birth
Determined your age with is use for Sleep score and the healthy sleep duration ranges, see Sleep score for details.
6. Color palette
Enables additional color spectrum used for your Sleep Score pie charts. When enabled, each pie chart have assigned color across the whole app.